
Expositie CHOW
Waar komen we vandaan en waar gaan we naartoe? Kunstenaar Kés Aerts geeft met expositie in oude Stripmuseum in Groningen het antwoord.

New books
A book on the occasion of 50 years of artistry.

In the past years several book have been published:

The Keeper
The sculpture ‘The keeper’ has been moved to the bronze foundry.
Prize winning art
In 2016 Kés received on the Annual Dutch Art Fair in Amsterdam a prize and was honored for this series.
Gemeentemuseum The Hague
Work from the series in 2014 was exhibited during de Zomerexpo at the Gemeentemuseum in The Hague.
Art Cards
At this very moment artcards with the images of paintings from the series “The changing order of the world” are distributed in the Netherlands. The cards refer to what’s going on right now in the world. It is the intention of the artist not only to enjoy the beauty of the paintings, but also to inform the public and take a stand. The series is a work in progress. When the whole series is finshed, more cards will be available.
Annual Dutch Art Fair
On 24 & 25 september 2016 paintings from the series ” The changing world order ” will be shown at the Annual Dutch Art Fair in the World Fashion Centre in Amsterdam. On 3.400m2 a number of 200 professional visiual artists presenting together more than 1,700 artworks.